Branding: Black/Out Fashion Convention


Project Date: May 2020

In the world of fashion, black can be favored for its ability to match with any color along with the slimming, sleek appearance it gives. This makes it all too easy for lovers of black apparel to find their wardrobes black as night. Not to worry - Black/Out is here to help.

Black/Out is a fashion convention dedicated to bringing a splash of color to people’s lives while allowing them to continue their love of dark clothing. The goal is to bring out one’s personality and confidence through their clothing style by providing advice and fashionable clothing that caters to this particular fashion sense. This project came to life within a month for a final semester project, as students were tasked with creating and branding a convention based on a habit or interest they have. The entirety of the 2020 digital brand guide’s PDF can be read here.

Black/Out’s Design Elements


Design Applications

While this was a challenging project to complete in such a short amount of time, it was incredibly interesting to turn such a specific concept into a complete brand. This pushed the limits of my own creativity and required me to truly think outside of the box for the concept of this convention. You can read the full digital PDF here for more information on each aspect of Black/Out’s branding - I look forward to taking on another project like this again!


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